Motor Home Hire

Cartledge House Farm Great hucklow Derbyshire, SK17 8RG, United Kingdom,

Autohomes Motorhome Clubs

08:42 13-Nov-2022

bambi_motohome.jpgWhen Walt Disney created an animated classic depicting a small cute creature we can all love he probably wasn’t thinking about a motor home.  The Autohomes ‘Bambi’ encompasses everything the film portrayed; a small cute van loved by families and born from the success that was the Rascal van.

The Rascal was an impish little fella that transported goods across the nation and always raised a smile.  It was the then chairman of Autohomes, Ian Macpherson who stripped the Rascal of it’s panel van image and added a house!  The Bambi first blinked at the world in 1986 and at once this small two sleeper motor home was introduced to the motor home world and it smiled.

To say that Autohomes motor home clubs thrive is an understatement.  They cover the whole country and have an events calendar that rivals that of the Queen.  These once really affordable, adorable vans, attract fanatics who shrug off the comforts of large coach built models.  With space for two and the dog as well, the Bambi is terrific fun and after all isn’t that is what it’s all about in an Autohomes motor home club.

So it is beyond belief that only 1500 of these feisty devils were ever built.  To their credit most are still on the road and have entered the heady heights of classic status; truly earning a place in the motor home hall of fame.

Whilst other models are about it is the Bambi that Autohomes motor homes will be remembered for.  They are cherished, adored, loved and honoured at club meetings, where a special band of devotees praise their unique qualities.  Given the passion within these clubs it is great to know we’ll still be seeing the little Bambi on the road for years to come.

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Autohomes Bambi Club
Autohomes Bambi Club
here are six Regional Secretaries, who organise week-end rallies at attractive sites all over the country. Anyone is very welcome at all other Regions rallies, and many travel long distances to...
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