Autocruise Motorhome Members club
Autocruise Motorhome Members club
Address: 483 Green Lanes.
Postcode: N13 4BS
Motor Homes By Area: London Motorhome Hire
Motor Homes by Make: Autocruise Motor Homes
We are a group of like-minded people who like to enjoy themselves. We hail from all parts of the United Kingdom from the Isle of Wight to Aberdeenshire. We come from all walks of life; some of us work and some of us are lucky enough to have retired. We have disabled as well as able-bodied members and our one common factor is that we all, without exception, love motor caravanning.

We rally nationally and meet about every four weeks. We start our rallies on Thursdays until the Sunday morning. On Friday nights we always have a punch bowl, which is signalled by the ringing of a bell. This enables old members to welcome the new members into the group.On Saturday nights we arrange some sort of supper be it bought in such as fish and chips, sometimes someone does the catering, or we have a barbecue or we all bring a plate of something or other for the communal tableWe are a group of like-minded people who like to enjoy themselves. We hail from all parts of the United Kingdom from the Isle of Wight to Aberdeenshire. We come from all walks of life; some of us work and some of us are lucky enough to have retired. We have disabled as well as able-bodied members and our one common factor is that we all, without exception, love motor caravanning. We rally nationally and meet about every four weeks. We start our rallies on Thursdays until the Sunday morning. On Friday nights we always have a punch bowl, which is signalled by the ringing of a bell. This enables old members to welcome the new members into the group. On Saturday nights we arrange some sort of supper be it bought in such as fish and chips, sometimes someone does the catering, or we have a barbecue or we all bring a plate of something or other for the communal table